Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries are caused by external forces impacting the cranium and injuring the brain or the internal momentum of the brain against the inside of the skull. These injuries can occur when playing sports, in car collisions, and other incidents in which the skull struck or violently shaken.
Traumatic brain injuries are not caused by lack of oxygen or a stroke or other internal factors, although these may be secondary injuries that stem from the primary injury. Depending on the severity of the brain injury and the location of it there are a variety of symptoms that can develop.
What are the states and symptoms of a traumatic brain injury?
Depending on the severity of the traumatic brain injury there are a few states that may be encountered.
- Coma
- Vegetative state
- Minimally conscious state
- A person may also be in a conscious state but will be confused or will have amnesia

A person may also progress through various stages as they recover, and ups and downs are a normal part of the recovery process. No two traumatic brain injuries are alike and often after a traumatic brain injury a person may experience a variety of symptoms such as speech or visual impairment, confusion, personality changes, or a wide range of other effects.
With the complexity of the brain and often co-existing spine and associated injuries, we at Achieve Brain & Spine feel that Neurological surgeons are uniquely qualified to help the patient. There is a limited window of time to help patients with head injuries and spinal cord injuries. The long-term effects on the patient and their families are important to get help with and our doctors will provide guidance and empathetic care through this process of mind/body healing.
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